Category: Events

Notes from Jersey Conference

Students “out-word each other.” “Language is a vehicle to name and make real what we imagine.” April 30, 2010, Dr. Tricia Kress (U Mass, Boston) speaking at Language Learning and the Imagination Symposium, New Jersey City University Young Researchers Club, Urban HS, Boston __________ Lyn Thompson Lemaire (EFL) Not “Where did you spend your vacation?”…

TESOL Conference Notes

From What Sticks? Language Teaching for Long-Term Retention by Scott Miles, Daegu-Haany University, Republic of Korea, March 27, 2010. Specifically vocab. Two important concepts: Spaced/interval repetition. [Behaviorist] For example, vocab-teaching in a 30-minute block. One 30-minute lesson vs. three spaced 10-minute lessons with repetition. The latter did about a third better on retention. Similar to…

Mexico Solidarity Movement

Social cartophraphy: Painting Ourselves on a Map Chiapas: Zapatista. 1994 was the Z uprising. Wanted a different education that respected their culture, their langauge: to have a central role in creating their language. So they wanted autonomous eduction (from gov’t) so refused books, money, teachers from gov’t; had to figure out how to produce those…