Category: Independent Study

Sandanona Self-Evaluation

Title of your presentation Extending Community: Stories, Culture & Technology in the Language Classroom Objectives of the presentation To introduce the audience to ways that the language classroom, student stories and digital technology intersect to create potential for the ESL classroom; to envision ways that, when extended to the Internet, they can build community among…

Dave Isay Interview

May 18, 2010, by telephone “The StoryCorp Method” interviews exist (about 30,000) in the Library of Congress. Different than the ones people do on their own. Interviews are [he didn’t say ‘edited’] shaped by a “facilitator” (I think he called it). There’s a DB of their stories. He’s created a National Day of Listening. One…

Sandanona Proposal

Extending Community: Stories, Culture & Technology in the Classroom Paper How can cultural experience help to develop language skills? How can we reach beyond the classroom to create a sense of community? This session explores the spheres of personal narrative and technology and how they intersect with ESL to open rich opportunities for teaching and…

Leslie Interview

Interview with Leslie at SIT Graduate Institute, May 7. 2010 MISCOMMUNICATION Leslie: Calif Institute for Integral Studies. PhD. Many incredible benefits to being an online learning communiity. Three years. When you go online, you had to bring a quality of presence: suspend judgment. Norms of being as well as of participation. Benefits: I think just…

GATESOL application

This presentation explores three separate spheres — the ESL classroom, student stories and digital technology — to discover how they can work together to build cultural awareness, computer literacy and language skills, and to extend the student community beyond the classroom. When first-person narratives meet the realm of technology, digital storytelling is one result. Whatever…

Sue Schardt Interview

Phone Interview with Sue Schardt, Executive Director, AIR What gives shape to whatever is created in that realm is determined in large part by if you have a platform. The classroom is the platform. The manner in which they engage: there’s a wide range of possibilities. Is there a common platform? Build idea around whatever…

Interview with Sean Conley

April 23, 2010. In person-interview with Sean Conley at SIT Graduate Institute. [Sean Conley recently became the Associate Dean of the Marlboro College Graduate School. Formerly he served as the chair of the department of English language studies at The New School University in New York City. He has designed computer labs for language teaching, integrated…

Polina Interview

Polina: April 28, 2010. Phone interview. Polina Vinogradova’s dissertation is: Development of Multiliteracies and Creation of Critical Multicultural Environment Using Digital Stories in ESL Instruction. AAAL conference, Atlanta. Glynda A. Hull, Mark Evan Nelson: digital stories and community. Middle and high school in different countries: US, India, maybe China Polina is not artistic (writing, drawing)…

Michael Roberts Interview

In-person interview at SIT Graduate Institute, April 27, 2010 He uses iMovie for Mac and Window MovieMaker for PC. Comes with PC systems and available for free download. Easy. His Capstone is on digital storytelling as a tool for reentry after experience abroad, to explore these issues: affective; professional development; academic; civic. His people do…

Possible Blurb for IS Presentation

I wrote this for something I’m not going to do, but it could be adapted for IS purposes: Blogs and digital photos and text messages and chats and cell phone videos — all have infinite potential as tools for language learning. How can technology become a platform for empowering immigrant, refugee and other English-learning students…

Venn & Sandanona

For my Sandanona presentation I could use the Venn diagram as the framework for much of the discussion, introducing a circle at a time. Explain the meat of my research, interested in the intersection of my pasts and my present. My degree in fine arts and photography. Then producer for public radio from the early…

Symposium Description

Blogs and digital photos and text messages and chats and cell phone videos — all have infinite potential as tools for language learning. How can technology become a platform for empowering immigrant, refugee and other English-learning students to tell their story and communicate with one another as they develop language skills? Come brainstorm about ways…

Interview with Heather

Heather Linville Academic Director, English Language Center University of Maryland, Baltimore County April 16, 2010 We come to it with the ESL piece being the most important. The students’ classroom experience here is greatly enriched by the opportunity to do personal narrative. Their program began (ca. 2004?) in collaboration with the U’s New Media Studio…

Interview with Sue Schardt

Interview with Sue Schardt, Executive Director, AIR April 13, 2010 What gives shape to whatever is created in that realm is determined in large part by if you have a platform. The classroom is the platform. The manner in which they engage: there’s a wide range of possibilities. Is there a common platform? Build idea…

Tentative Schedule + Venn

April 5–11: Media Research April 12–18: Technical Rsch April 19–25: EL Research April  26–May 2: Interface Interview Beverly Mire @ MIT Interview Sue Schardt @ Airmedia Ask Bev B: NS interview Anita Johnson interview? Online communities that use digital storytelling Wikis WordPress/Blogs Cellphones & Cameras Ning Chats & Other Dialogues Document Collaboration SoundSlide Garage Band…

Problematizing: ISP

Problematizing My Independent Study Project as if I didn’t have enough problems already and call me “prescriptive” if you will, but that’s not a real verb anyhow In addition to the more universal considerations of building a teaching unit — what will the content be, where is the language therein, how do I maintain students’…

Official Proposal for Independent Study

AYMAT INDEPENDENT STUDY SUBMITTED BY: Ginna Allison DATE: March 9, 2010 TITLE: Documentary Stories through Media in the ESL Classroom CREDITS: One PURPOSE OF INDEPENDENT STUDY To explore how technology and personal documentary storytelling — through writing, photography, audio and/or video — can be effectively adapted as a tool for language learning in the intermediate…