Some Advice from Alex on Writing the Port

  • When to decide whether to use a supplementary doc as an attachment at the end or simply a citation: Am I using the doc to show progress (for which a larger context of the writing might be useful) or to show background material? Is it something that a reader might learn more by reading, or is that excerpt the only thing that matters there? If the latter: (Blog entry, January 21, 2010) or something.
  • At least two supporting docs for each and up to four.
  • Don’t use any names or identifying information.
  • Show reflection and analysis as well as description.
  • Don’t to research paper last. Give it as full attention as I give the rest. Proof all well..
  • One thing the essay is supposed to say is “here is my understanding of this subcompetency.”
  • You want to show progress in the area, but it’s okay to show lack of progress, if you show why and what’s next. And then you say:  here’s the doc to prove my point.
  • For journal, if you include it, you can edit it so it’s just surrounding material on same topic.