
Above & Over

Above: ‘more than’ with temperature, weight, vertical scale

Over: Covering, ‘more than’ with age, time, speed; movement from one place to another

Both: Higher than, higher rank

Start with movement uses. Fly over/above…

Under & Below

Under: touching, right below (under the sun). Both: lower than, less than. Below: more general. Shades of meaning beyond core (venn diagram representing core meaning, and the fish bodies for idioms to reinforce collocations of secondary usages.

Ocean, sun, canoe exercise: “under”/”sun” She liked it, with people moving around objects: is this under. And then we did TPR with cell phone, book and pen: put you pen under your arm, put your pen below your arm…

We also would do corpus with cloze, and give fish handout with idioms on

“Is everybody familiar with this?” Don’t ask that.

Between & Among

Between = 2 sides; among = many. But not always true any more. Cloze.

Everyone draw a picture using preposition dictation: the same dictation and everyone compare drawings later (she calls it Battleship). Of you can use dictation with rods and they’re building houses without looking at each other. Good way to check comprehension. Dialogs.

How English Works — Swan — is excellent.

Postcards. One person describe it as the other listens. Then put all the ca