4a. What is working in EAL for you?
I like the classes in which we gain a greater familiarity with a concept AND discuss (or practice) how that knowledge can transfer to the classroom. I thought our phrasal verb classes did that.
4b. What isn’t working and why?
Sometimes I’m frustrated that we don’t have time to delve more deeply into a topic. I realize we have limited time. I wonder if we could have one class during which you lectured only, without group activities, illuminating for us those topics about which we have lingering doubts or high interest: any of the topics on the Grammar Clinic 2 list, for example.
4c. What can you as a learner and group member do to maximize our learning experiences in this course?
Keep doing all my homework on time so that I can continue to take part fully in the class discussions. Keep an open “learner’s mind.” Reading helps me get up to the grammar speed of those who have studied linguistics or taught for many years. Classroom discussion, and study-buddying when there’s time, helps cement concepts.
4d. What can the instructor do?
I think it could be helpful maybe if you assigned us one of the exercises at the end of a chapter of The Grammar Book, AND spent a few minutes at the beginning of class — choral would be efficient — going over it to ensure comprehension.
4e. Any personal note or question you may have
No additional questions. I appreciate that you’re working hard to accommodate our range of language skills/experience/comfort zones. Thanks.