2/25 Kids’ LP

Lesson Plan T/T Kids: February 25

Supplies: Lesson plan, book, extinct animal picture, homework assignment, returned homework, pens & paper

Setup: Arrange seating. Hang poster and contract. Make good-behavior grid. Explain theme (continue to work on animals past & present, and on how we ask questions in English) and look at agenda:

  • Rules and business
  • What??
  • Appearing Picture
  • Workbook 9 p 55
  • Put Pandas in Order
  • Brainstorm Bingo
  • Workbook 10 p 55
  • Draw My Story
  • Vanishing words
  • Homework
  • Relaxation exercise:
  • Simon says
  • Write tongue twister: This summer the river water was colder than the glacier. Choral, then individual. Think of some words with –er. Translate into Spanish.
  • Teach the Teacher: help my pronunciation
Time Activity Teacher [I] Students [Thou]
5:00 Rules & Business Collect and hand out homework Read rules
5:10 What?? Write on board. Personalize: who has a dog, what are you wearing, when… They volunteer words and answer questions.
5:20 Appearing picture Slowly reveal extinct animals. What is it? Where is it? Choral: guess what they think it is. Name what they see.
5:30 BOOK: P 55 Exercise 9a Send them one by one to choose animal from poster. Write questions quietly.
5:45 BOOK: P 55 Exercise 9b Have them write names of their classmates in the first column. One kid comes up front and asks first question and calls on peers for answer. Rotate somehow.
6:00 Put the Pandas in Order Put up first picture on board. Get up and arrange.
6:10 Brainstorm Bingo Write extinct. Write other words. Hand out index cards. Explain and direct bingo. Volunteer related words. Verify meanings. Each make a 4-square box and write on of words in each.
6:25 BOOK: P 55 Exercise 10 Fill in three different reasons some animals are extinct or endangered. Write their answers on board for correct usage. Give answers. All agree?
6:45 Draw My Story Describe something: It has small rounded ears on the top of its head. Its eyes are big and round. Its mouth is smaller than its eyes. It has whiskers. It has very sharp teeth. Its body is long. Its tail is longer than its body. Its legs are shorter than its tail. It has spots. Draw it.
6:40 Vanishing words Erasing words: Look at wh- words. Remember them. Erase two at a time? Write or say from memory.
6:55 Homework Read “You’re Our Star, Erica” at top of page 55 and answer questions on handout. Questions?
  • True or False: Giant pandas are endangered because people are cutting down the tortillas they live in; the komodo dragon is a giant fish; Today dinosaurs live in Mexico City. Leatherback turtles lay their eggs on land.
  • Who am I? I live in Indonesia. I live on a few small islands. I am a reptile… I am black and white. I am very heavy. I eat bamboo.; I died in 2000. I live in Spain. I had horns

Homework for Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1. Carefully read “You’re Our Star, Erica” at top of page 55.

2. Then write the answers to these questions:

  • What did Erica do to help save endangered animals?

If you could do anything you wanted, how would you save endangered animals?